Character Contest Winner – Professor Julius Rightsworthy
The second winner of the character contest is the esteemed Professor Julius Wrightsworthy. We loved the fact that someone was actually bringing and playing a mad scientist to the table, and the full character stat line really helped us understand who this brilliantly mad scientist was and what they can do. You don’t always see characters like this in roleplaying games, and the good Professor would be welcome at any of our tables – although maybe not quite so close. We don’t trust that Killbot to not turn on us!
Name: Professor Julius Rightsworthy
Julius Rightsworthy is perhaps the model of the mad scientist, seeking to understand as much of the world
as he can, according to concrete scientific laws. From these laws, he seeks to derive new creations, and
establish a significant change across the world. An end to old regimes of inefficient tyranny, and a
beginning of a New Order, of advancement, justice, and truth.
In his course on attempting this, he has created nine generations of advanced Killbots. The first, refused to
exhibit even limited sentience (it was a mechanical pencil.) The second, while it built upon the first,
refused to allow itself to use violence (it was a sentient mechanical pencil.)
The third, however, was too successful by far. Killbot Mark 3, a sentient machine built into the
framework of a castle, began to spread itself far and wide. By separating off its towers, K-3 used it’s own
self-repair mechanism to build more versions of itself, till it threatened the whole region. Professor
Rightsworthy threw himself into the fight, ultimately giving up much of his own power, his youth, and
one of his legs in the hunt for Killbot-3.
For a little while after that, Professor Rightsworthy laid low, iterating and modifying his various
inventions and patents, all the while denying any involvement in the destruction caused by K-3. However,
before too many years had passed, Rightsworthy became aware of what his sacrifices had truly cost – and
more, for all he had given, he had done nothing to truly change the world. What’s more, he grew to
believe that some aspect of K-3 had survived, and resurfaced under the name of Doctor Rightsunworthy.
In the end, Rightsworthy gathered all his means, and the final iteration of the Killbot, developed during
the K-3 War, the Killbot Mark 9. With a nanobot formulation, and a reconstructive intellect, K-9 was
effectively immortal and self-improving, while still bound by overriding commands to stop the K-3 War
from repeating itself.
With these, Professor Julius Rightsworthy has sought an adventuring guild, to rebuild his power, gain
allies, and defeat the Killbot Mark 3 menace once and for all. While having fun along the way, of course.
Julius Rightsworthy is a man old beyond his years. While only 41, his hair is grey all over and his skin
prematurely dull and pale. The small fortune he has amassed from his inventions has allowed him to style
himself in the highest of fashion, with a top-hat and a suit for every occasion. The cloth of one trouser-leg
is folded over at the knee, and he sits in a wheelchair of his own intention, equipped with various weapons
of destruction, and just as many tools of creation.
By his side, often stands a robotic hound. Though steel all over, it largely resembles a Doberman, with a
large slit down it’s back. In combat, that slit opens, revealing a tri-barreled rotary cannon and a long
mechanical arm, equipped with several bandage dispensers, medical needles, and welding tools for K-9’s
own use.
Level: 3+1
Experience: 600
Strength 2
Agility 7
Spirit 5
Mind 10
Guts 7
Active (Base+Level)/2
Muscle 4
Dexterity 6
Aura 5
Intuition 7
Resolve 6
Attack (Base+Level)*2
Strength 10
Agility 20
Spirit 16
Mind 26
Health 160 Out of 160
Stamina 58 Out of 58
Defense 15
Resistance 21
Move 3
Health Increment 32
Stamina Increment 12
Critical Health 64
Damage 8
Initiative Modifier 8
Flaws – Total 5
● Slow – Gain 2; Level 1
○ Movement is reduced by 1.
○ Having lost a leg, Rightsworthy is bound to his Wheelchair, slowing him down compared
to his companions. Also prohibiting his use of stairs.
● Unthreatening – Gain 3; Level 1
○ Enemies can move through his Zone of Control at full speed.
○ Rightsworthy is constantly busy, tinkering with a new invention. He cannot interfere with
the movement of those around him.
Skills – Total 37/37
● Darksight – Cost 4; Level 1
○ Ignore darkness-based penalties.
○ One of the many benefits of a technological faux-eyepatch is an advanced form of
● Attack Node – Cost 5; Level 1
○ Support Action: Expend 4 Stamina and create an Attack Node anywhere within 5 spaces
of oneself.
○ Rightsworthy can quickly create small drones, from which he may direct his other
● Danger Sense – Cost 3; Level 1
○ Immune to the effects of Surprise during Ambush Rounds.
○ Another benefit of the eyepatch is threat-tracking software. Rightsworthy’s reactions are
● Balanced Fighter – Cost 8; Level 1
○ +1 to all but the highest Active Attribute.
○ While many a man would take the loss of a leg to be a crippling blow, Rightsworthy has
pushed on, and taught himself to compensate.
● Tireless – Cost 5; Level 1
○ Maximum Stamina increased by 8.
○ It is amazing how much more energy efficient Rightsworthy is, now that he doesn’t have
to put any effort into travelling. He can fight for much longer!
● Versatile Fighter – Cost 6; Level 1
○ Gain an additional 4 Technique Points
● Asset – Cost 3; Level 1
○ Great Wealth
○ When making a roll against a meter influenced by Great Wealth, gain a +3 to the roll!
○ As a famous and successful inventor, Rightsworthy has access to a truly terrifying
amount of wealth.
● Fast to Act – Cost 3; Level 1
○ +2 to Initiative!
○ Though slow to move, long experience, and a predictive element to his pseudo-eyepatch
have left Rightsworthy able to react with amazing speed.
Techniques – Total 24/24
● Newest Marvellous Invention; Level 6; Cost ??
○ Mimic Core, Level 6
○ Copy One Technique that you have witnessed during the scene. It must have been used
within 20 Spaces of your character.
○ Always rolls with Intuition, but otherwise uses the stats of the copied technique.
○ “Ah, an intriguing stratagem. I shall incorporate it in my Newest Marvellous Invention!”
● Mimic’d Technique!; Cost
○ ?? Core, Level 1
○ Action:
○ Mods:
○ Limits:
○ Target:
○ Effect:
● Autocannon Strafe!; Level 4, Cost 3
○ ?? Core, Level 2
○ Action: Attack
○ Mods: Ranged, Whirlwind Attack
○ Limits: Cooldown, Landbound
○ Target: All Enemies, within 5 of the Drone.
○ Effect: Uses Dexterity to Attack. Deals 44 Physical Damage on a hit.
● Electrical Containment Grid!; Level 4; Cost 3
○ Barrier Core, Level 1
○ Action: Support
○ Mods: Blast Radius, Line Attack, Ranged, Violent Barrier
○ Limits: Cooldown 1
○ Target: Each Square around a Line, 3 Long, Starting within 8 of the Professor.
○ Effect: Creates a Barrier that covers all spaces the Technique targets, which blocks
Techniques and Movement.
■ Uses Core Power 1, and Intuition for Defense.
■ If someone tries to target a Technique across the Barrier, they must make an
Opposed Roll, using their Core Power vs. Core Power 1. If they succeed, the
Technique continues as normal; if they fail, the Technique has no further effect.
Either way, the Barrier is Destroyed.
■ If someone tries to move through the Barrier, they must make an Opposed Roll
using the Active Attribute of their choice against Intuition. They take a Damage
Increment, regardless of if they pass or fail.
○ “Come, if you insist on violence, you will face my Electrical Containment Grid!”
● Proton Destabilisation Cannon!; Level 5; Cost 1
○ Mind Damage Core, Level 2
○ Action: Attack
○ Mods: Ranged 2, Line Attack, Drain
○ Limits: Health Limit 1 (Drain 5 HP per use); Reload Limit (Cannot use again till a
Support Action is spent reloading the technique)
○ Target: Line, 3 Long, Starting within 6 of the Professor.
○ Effect: Uses Intuition to attack anyone targeted. Deals 33 Energy Damage per hit!
○ “Very well! Let us see how you fare against the Proton Destabilisation Cannon!”
● Killbot, Mark 9!; Level 3; Cost 6
○ Summoning Core, Level 3
○ Action: Slow
○ Limits: Vitality Limit (Cannot be used if Health is Critical)
○ Target: One Adjacent Square.
○ Effect: Summon a Level 3 Drone.
○ “You leave me no choice! I will unleash Killbot, Mark 9!”
● .454 Rightsworthy and Wessen!; Level 6; Cost 1
○ Agility Damage Core, Level 2
○ Action: Attack
○ Mods: Ranged, Accurate Strike, Piercing Strike
○ Limits: Reload Limit, Valour Limit 1 (Need at least 1 Valour to use)
○ Target: One target, within 4 of the Professor.
○ Effect: Uses Dexterity+2 to attack anyone targeted. Deals 30 Physical Damage, ignoring
Defence, on a hit!
○ “Truly, you persist? Very well! I call upon an old friend of mine… the .454 Rightsworthy
and Wessen Prototype Revolver!”
1⁄2 Health, 1⁄2 SP, 1⁄2 TP, 1⁄2 Attack, -1 to Actives.
Level Three Drone
Level Three Drone Base
Strength 2
Agility 10
Spirit 3
Mind 6
Guts 10
Level Three Drone Active (Base+Level)/2
Muscle 2
Dexterity 6
Aura 2
Intuition 4
Resolve 6
Level Three Drone Attack (Base+Level)*2
Strength 11
Agility 19
Spirit 0
Mind 3
Level Three Drone Statistics
Health 95 Out of 95
Stamina 38 Out of 38
Defense 14
Resistance 11
Move 6
Level Three Drone Increments
Health Increment 19
Stamina Increment 8
Critical Health 38
Damage 8
Initiative Modifier 6
Level Three Drone Flaws – Total 5
● Feeble – Gain 3; Level 1
○ -1 to Defence Rolls against Muscle-Based Attacks.
● Energy Vulnerability – Gain 2; Level 1
○ -4 Resistance.
● Weak Defender – Gain 2; Level 1
○ -4 Defence.
● Weak Energy Attacker – Gain 3; Level 1
○ -6 Spirit and Mind Attack
Level Three Drone Skills (26/26)
● Darksight – Cost 4; Level 1
○ Ignore darkness-based penalties.
● Physical Attacker – Cost 6; Level 1
○ +6 to Strength and Agility Attacks.
● Versatile Fighter – Cost 6; Level 1
○ +4 Technique Points
● Sprinter – Cost 4; Level 1
○ +1 Speed
● Combination Attack – Cost 6; Level 1
○ Once per round, delay your turn until an ally attacks, then attack the same target. Your
initiative is set to just before your ally. You both get +2 to your attack rolls while making
the attack. After the end of this round, your Initiative is reset to its normal value for this
Level Three Drone Techniques (14/14)
● Autocannon Strafe!; Level 4, Cost 3
○ ?? Core, Level 2
○ Action: Attack
○ Mods: Ranged, Whirlwind Attack
○ Limits: Cooldown, Landbound
○ Target: All Enemies, within 5 of the Drone.
○ Effect: Uses Dexterity to Attack. Deals 44 Physical Damage on a hit.
● Autocannon Burst!; Level 6, Cost 6
○ Dexterity Damage Core, Level 4
○ Action: Attack
○ Mods: Ranged 2
○ Limits: Immobile Limit
○ Target: One Target, within 8 of the Drone.
○ Effect: Uses Dexterity to Attack. Deals 54 Physical Damage on a hit.
● Automatic Maintenance Routine!; Level 4, Cost 1
○ Healing (Guts) Core, Level 3
○ Action: Support
○ Mods: Ranged
○ Limits: Reload
○ Target: One Target, within 3 of the Drone.
○ Effect: Heals 17 Health.
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