Errata, Roll20 Character Sheet, and Upcoming Releases
Hey Valor fans! We’ve got a number of announcements, so let’s dive right in!
- Official Errata: The official Errata has been released, and can be found here. We will be releasing a printable PDF document of the Errata in the coming weeks, as well as working to update the Valor Core Rulebook PDF to reflect the changes in the Errata.
- Roll20 Valor Character Sheet: We are pleased to announce that the Valor Character Sheet is now live on Roll20! This character sheet requires the Core Rulebook to be used properly, and will perform all stat calculations and Technique calculations based on the information you input. It will also allow you to create different classes of enemies such as Soldiers, Swarms and Masters, making it an excellent tool for GMs even if the builds are intended for offline games. The Character Sheet is the work of Valor co-creator Alan “Quinn” Gordon and has seen several years of development. The character sheet is up to date to all current Errata except for the minimum Stamina Cost to Healing Cores, which was rolled out too late to be added to the initial release and will be added at a later date. As a disclaimer, Valorous Games has no affiliation with Roll20, but we do use their product internally for a number of system tests.
- New Adventure Path – Best in Class: We are officially announcing our first Adventure Path, Best in Class! The cover art can be seen featured in this post. Our goal is to launch a Kickstarter for a print release in mid-April, with the Adventure launching later this year. Best in Class will be the first Adventure Path in our first official campaign setting, Valress. The world of Valress is a realm of fantasy and magic that has ascended to the modern era, and Best in Class follows the exploits of members of an elite university as they complete their studies to become full fledged Knights. We will roll out more information on the campaign setting as we approach the Kickstarter.
- Valor: Villains, Creatures and Foes Update: As many of you know, Valor: Villains, Creatures and Foes unfortunately failed to meet goal when it was on Kickstarter, but it does remain very much in development. We are raising funds in the background and working to complete the book. We are working to release adventure paths in the interim and bring out a number of other tools such as the Roll20 sheet to continue to support the system while we work toward releasing the next core book. We’ll have more news on this book as it approaches completion.
- Convention Appearances: We’re slowing increasing the number of conventions we attend! We’re working on adding a few more to our list and we’ll be posting up a full convention schedule soon! For now, we’ll continue to attend Sakura con in Seattle as we always have, and have added Kumoricon in Portland to our list. We hope to add more in the months to come!
I’m looking forward to seeing more, keep up the good work!
Hey, love the new Roll20 sheet, a huge help! My group and I were making characters for a new game, and I noticed a error on the sheet.
In the Flaw section, it is missing Weak Physical Attacker and Weak Energy Attacker. Also, the optional Skills like Mind Reading, Telepathy,
Illusory Disguise, etc… aren’t in there. Minor things, but they’d be so super helpful.
Anyway, thanks so much for all your hard work, and have a great day!!!!