Health Update

Hey everyone, Liana here I wanted to give a bit of a health update and discuss some potential impacts to our production schedule.

About a month ago, I was formally diagnosed with colon cancer. I am fortunate in that we caught it early, so the cancer itself hasn’t spread and should be very much treatable. What it does mean, however, is that I am going to need pretty immediate surgery. I’m being scheduled for surgery next week, which will require a bit of a hospital stay and will incapacitate me for a bit longer afterward.

In terms of energy level, I’m expecting it’s going to be a near-term halt to all of my development operations, I’m slated to start a new job very soon and they’ve been wonderfully understanding about my condition but I am going to need to devote most of what energy I do have in early recovery to that job so my ability to manage development in my spare time is expected to be limited. Furthermore, due to the anticipated expense of the surgery, I will likely not have as much spare money to set aside for development as well. As many longtime Valor fans know, I currently self-fund most of our operations since I strive for a level of quality with our products that we haven’t been able to self-sustain with our current product lines and sales. This too will slow things down a bit in the near-term.

This may have some impact on the shipment of the completed Valor Core books for the Kickstarter as well, we’re expected to get them late this month so a lot will depend on my recovery in terms of getting them all packed up and shipped out. I’ll look to enlist in the help of some friends to get them out the door ASAP, so bear with us on that.

Ultimately, thankfully, this should not be a huge permanent impact. By my understanding the surgery should not produce much if any long-term negative effects to my life. I just need to get through this, and things should be well on the other side. As always, I appreciate the support of Valor players and fans, this is just a speedbump and while it’s a bit scary, I’m very lucky since something like this could have been so, so much worse.

I’m not at this time soliciting any donations, we should be able to handle it with our personal finances and we have family that can help support us if it comes to it. If you do want to help support us financially, the best thing you can do is buy our products, play our game, introduce your friends to it and use it in your Actual Plays. The more profit I make off Valor, especially during my recovery, the more I can devote to getting our production back on track when I’m well again and the more people playing Valor and spreading it around, the more I can leverage it to negotiate bigger and better things for the system in the future. If you’d like to support us, here are a few places you can do so:
Valor Storenvy (We’ve made our standard Hardcovers unavailable and are instead selling the remaining first printing hardcovers with eBook at a discounted rate)
Valorous Games on DrivethruRPG
Valorous Games on (Also has some pre-release content and smaller articles – any pre-release items bought at the current price will eventually garner a full updated version without any further payment)

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